The Safe Routes to School Launch Program is designed to help start strong and sustainable Safe Routes to School programs in California communities
Why this approach?
- Safe Routes to School programs are uniquely effective, one of a handful of community interventions that rapidly produce public health results in a cost effective manner, per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Yet Safe Routes to School initiatives are only present and vigorous in a small percentage of California communities.
- The goal of this program is to provide communities with the tools, trainings, and assistance they need to develop effective, comprehensive Safe Routes to School programs.
The Safe Routes to School Launch Program, a joint project of the Safe Routes Partnership and UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), will assist communities in creating strong Safe Routes to School initiatives that include the six E’s that make up a comprehensive approach to Safe Routes to School – engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, evaluation, and equity. With broad engagement of community members, school staff, and agency personnel, these assessments, trainings, and technical assistance will increase the safety and health of students in selected communities in California.
What to Expect
Phase I: Getting to Know Your Community. Our expert staff will review your community's policies and data and speak with community stakeholders. Our goal is to understand where your community is with regard to students’ ability to safely walk and bicycle to school and existing Safe Routes to School efforts.
Phase II: Workshop. Our half day training in your community is aimed at elected officials, agency and school staff, families, and community members. Participants will learn about the importance and benefits of Safe Routes to School, strategies to improve walking and bicycling to school, and how to start and sustain a local Safe Routes to School program. The workshop will include interactive exercises, a walking assessment, and group action planning that will identify future steps for your community. NEW for 2019: The option to hold a virtual Safe Routes to School training curated for your community in lieu of an in-person workshop.
Phase III: Safe Routes to School Initial Action Plan & Follow Up Assistance. Following the workshop, our team will develop a tailored Safe Routes to School Initial Action Plan for your community based upon the workshop planning efforts. Additional technical assistance, such as webinars, research, or consultation, may be provided to help with further planning and implementation of Safe Routes to School efforts.
Bring Safe Routes Launch to Your Community!
The application period for the 2019 Safe Routes to School Launch program is now closed. If you are interested in the program, please email consulting@saferoutespartnership.org.